• 24 May 2024

Rețele Electrice companies have named their winners at the Electrician's Trophy, 2024 edition

Bucharest – In the last few days 64 electricians from Rețele Electrice companies participated in the local phase of the most important competition in the field of electricity in Romania, the Electrician's Trophy.

24 electricians from the 3 Rețele Electrice companies, as well as 4 young high school students, will participate in the national edition of the Electrician's Trophy, repetitively the Junior Electrician's Trophy.

"The participation of our electricians in the Electrician's Trophy is proof of the commitment and professionalism we show every day. We are proud of the results achieved and the dedication of our colleagues, who constantly demonstrate their technical skills and team spirit. We also congratulate the young high school students who will represent in the junior category, ensuring the future of this profession. Together we continue the tradition of excellence in the field of electricity”,  said Mihai Pește, General Manager of Rețele Electrice companies.

Rețele Electrice companies won last year the grand prize of the national competition, the Electrician's Trophy, in the Electric Energy Distribution category. This year they will be represented by a number of 24 electricians at the following categories - station operation, MV-LV operation, PRAM electrician, electric energy measurement, dispatchers, electrician for flaw detection of MV-LV underground power lines, electrician for installation and repair of substation equipment, as well as electrician for installation and repair of MV and LV equipment.

Last evening nine electricians from Bucharest, six from Timișoara, three from Tulcea, three from Arad, three from Reșita, two from Constanța, two from Petroșani and one each from Giurgiu, Călăraşi, Ialomița and Hunedoara counties climbed the podium to the applause of their colleagues, at the awards gala for the company phase of the trophy.

As for the Junior Electrician's Trophy, from the Rețele Electrice companies, a team of 4 students from the Bucharest Energy Technical College will participate in the national phase. In order to prepare for the big competition, the 4 students prepare at a Rețele Electrice Muntenia station, with the help of the company's specialists.

The Electrician's Trophy is the most complex professional competition in the energy field in Romania, which precedes the Energetician's Day, celebrated on July 20, by Saint Elijah, the protector of these professionals, established as such by Decree no. 507/1972. The history of this competition begins in 1977 in Iasi, where the first edition took place. Since then, the competition has been organized every year, until the pandemic. In 2023, Rețele Electrice companies won the grand prize of the national competition, the Electrician's Trophy, for the Electric Energy Distribution category. Entire generations of specialists have faced each other in theoretical, practical or public tests, proving their professionalism.

Rețele Electrice companies operate networks with a total length of approximately 134,000 kilometers in three important areas of the country: South Muntenia (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering a third of the local distribution market, and are developing an investment program to improve quality services, safety and performance of networks and local implementation of environmental standards of the PPC group. The electrical networks operated by the three companies Rețele Electrice count 289 transformer stations and over 25,000 transformer stations.