• 10 June 2024

Works worth over 162 million lei for the modernization of the energy infrastructure in the Balotesti area, Ilfov, put up for auction by Rețele Electrice

Bucharest – The Rețele Electrice Muntenia company, part of the PPC group in Romania, has launched, through the public procurement information system, a procurement procedure for the modernization of several medium voltage lines in the area of Balotești, Ilfov County, worth over 162 million lei.

The project targets 20kV and 0.4kV overhead lines mostly located in the Balotești area, but also Snagov, Periș, Corbeanca and Otopeni. The works will consist of modernizing the medium voltage network (20kV) by passing it underground, replacing and reconfiguring the network over a length of 113 km, in the perimeter of Balotești, Săftica, Măgura, Ghermănești, the area of the Ana Aslan institute.

The beneficiaries of this project will be 15,000 customers, individuals and legal entities.

"The project targets the Balotesti area, Ilfov, which has developed aggressively in recent years both in the residential and business sectors. Customers in this area have electricity consumption averages well above the country average; many of them are prosumers. The distribution network in this area was developed a few decades ago, when Ilfov was an Agricultural Sector. At the moment, when Ilfov is a metropolitan area with a very strong, skyrocketing development in the last 15 years, the distribution network in some areas, such as Balotești, no longer corresponds to the current consumption and distribution needs, therefore it is necessary to increase its capacity for both consumption and electricity production. Most of the works will consist of building a resilient distribution network, which can easily support the need for consumption and development of the area, by creating underground, fully protected and automated networks. The energy transition involves smart and resilient grids, and in Ilfov County, where we have high specific energy consumptions and where there is the highest density of prosumers in the country and with the highest installed power, it is essential to manage a robust and efficient distribution network that offers our customers a high quality of distribution service, both from a technical and commercial point of view'", said Mihai Pește, general manager of Rețele Electrice.

Within the same project, 89 new transformer secondary substations will be installed and 40 existing secondary substations will be modernized.

At the same time, new sections of low-voltage network, with a length of 26 km,  will be put into operation, which will serve especially household customers.

The project has almost 167 million lei (excluding VAT), and is co-financed by the Modernization Fund with a maximum value of 131.8 million lei.

The deadline for submitting bids is July 16, 2024, and the works will have a duration of 44 months from the conclusion of the contract.

The Rețele Electrice companies operate networks with a total length of about 134,000 kilometers in three important areas of the country: Muntenia Sud (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering a third of the local distribution market, and are developing an investment program to improve the quality of services, safety and performance of the networks and the local implementation of the environmental standards of the PPC Group. The electrical networks operated by the three Rețele Electrice companies number 289 transformer primary substations and over 25,000 secondary subsubstations.