• 02 August 2024

Rețele Electrice companies continue their investments in network digitization by purchasing three-phase smart meters worth up to 4.6 million euros

Bucharest – The Rețele Electrice companies are organizing a tender through the public platform SEAP for the acquisition of smart meters for three-phase connections, with a maximum value of 4,625,000 euros, in order to continue the digitalization of distribution networks, increase resilience and operational flexibility, and improve the quality of services offered to customers.

"Smart meters are the foundation of a resilient distribution network because they act as sensors in our low-voltage networks, enabling us to efficiently manage energy flows and continuously have an accurate and real-time representation of the network's operation. Furthermore, the integration of smart meters allows us to develop and support new market services such as flexibility, the integration of decentralized production, and energy storage—key elements in building a modern and sustainable network. By committing to install a smart meter for every customer, whether they are a consumer, producer, or prosumer, we take on an essential role in advancing the energy transition in Romania by creating an energy system adaptable to future demands," stated Mihai Pește, General Manager of Rețele Electrice Companies.

As part of the tender, a maximum of 17,000 three-phase smart meters will be purchased for Rețele Electrice Banat, 16,000 for Rețele Electrice Dobrogea, and 17,000 for Rețele Electrice Muntenia. The equipment must meet the minimum functionalities imposed by ANRE according to Order 177/2018. Additionally, they must use the Meters & More communication protocol, which supports bidirectional data transfer in metering systems, necessary, for example, in the case of prosumers.

By the end of 2024, the total number of smart meters installed by the three Electric Networks companies will reach approximately 1.7 million, the highest volume achieved in the electricity distribution system in Romania.

The degree of coverage of smart meters will reach at the end of 2024 at 53% for customers served by Rețele Electrice Muntenia, 50% for those in Banat and 59% for those in Dobrogea, these representing the highest percentages of coverage in the entire country.

Smart meters represent a modern generation of measuring devices, which gradually replace the old generation of meters, according to the plans approved by ANRE. This replacement is at no additional cost to customers. When the smart meter is an integral part of a smart metering system and actively communicates with the central system, customers enjoy numerous benefits, one of which is that index transmission is no longer necessary, and bills reflect actual consumption. According to the regulations in force, electricity distributors have the obligation to exchange old generation meters with new ones. In order to enjoy all the benefits offered by the smart meter, electricity users also have a legal obligation to allow access to representatives of the distribution operator, if the meter is inside the home.

More information on the benefits of smart meters and their installation process is available here.

Rețele Electrice companies operate networks with a total length of aproximately 134,000 kilometers in three important areas of the country: South Muntenia (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering a third of the local distribution market, and are developing an investment program to improve quality services, safety and performance of networks and local implementation of environmental standards of the PPC group. The electrical networks operated by the three companies Rețele Electrice count 289 transformer stations and over 25,000 transformer stations.