• 12 September 2024

Bucharest - Rețele Electrice companies are launching a major tender for the design and execution of maintenance and modernization works of medium and low voltage electricity networks in the Banat region

Rețele Electrice Muntenia is launching a public tender through the SEAP platform, worth 160 million lei , for the design and execution of maintenance and modernization works for the medium and low voltage (MV-LV) electricity networks in Arad, Caraș-Severin, Țimis and Hunedoara counties.

This initiative is part of a broad project to optimize the energy infrastructure, with the main aim of improving the safety, reliability and efficiency of the region's electricity grids.

The result of this tender will be the selection of certified contracting partners with sufficient experience in maintenance work, design and assembly construction in the distribution network in the counties of Arad, Caraș-Severin, Timiș and Hunedoara.

"Through this tender, we want to ensure solid partnerships with contractors that meet our needs for safety in the execution and efficient operation of electrical networks. These maintenance and investment works are essential for maintaining and developing the network so that we can respond to the growing needs of our customers", said Mihai Pește, General Manager of Rețele Electrice companies.

The selected service providers must comply with all the strict safety regulations in force within the electricity network companies ensuring that all work is carried out to the highest safety standards in the operation of the electricity networks. Rigorous measures to protect the environment will also be implemented throughout the execution process, maintaining a balance between the development of energy infrastructure and the conservation of natural resources.

As part of this project, the company will continue to prioritize the safety and reliability of the electricity grids. In emergency situations, such as blizzards, storms or other extreme weather conditions, intervention teams will act promptly to repair any damage and ensure continuity of power supply.

The works will include modernization of installations, extension of overhead and underground low-voltage networks, as well as improving the voltage level by upgrading transformer substations and medium and low-voltage networks.

Rețele Electrice companies operate networks with a total length of aproximately 134,000 kilometers in three important areas of the country: South Muntenia (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering a third of the local distribution market, and are developing an investment program to improve quality services, safety and performance of networks and local implementation of environmental standards of the PPC group. The electrical networks operated by the three companies Rețele Electrice count 289 transformer stations and over 25,000 transformer stations.