Compensation in case of failure to ensure continued power supply

If, for objective reasons, we are unable to observe our continued power supply obligations, you are entitled to compensation for power failures. We have obligations related to both the duration of such failures, and with regards to the number of outages per year.

Starting the moment when you inform us and we become aware of the fact that there is power supply failure to your consumption or production place, we will make sure the intervention team arrives on-site as shortly as possible, so that the supply is restored as shortly as possible after an unplanned outage. In case we are unable to do that within the terms stipulated in the Performance Standard, we will automatically grant the compensation stipulated in this ANRE standard – there’s no need for you to file an application.

Regarding the categories you shall see below, you must know that most residential customers are fed from our low voltage grid.


Starting January 1st 2019, in the case of unplanned (unforeseen), outages occurring under normal weather conditions we grant the compensations detailed herein below.

Starting January 1st 2019, in the case of unplanned (unforeseen) outages occurring under special weather conditions we grant the compensations detailed herein below.

You must know that by special weather conditions we mean the cases in which bad weather causes faults in the electrical equipment. The interventions for the remedy of faults are much more complex in case the faults are located outside built-up areas, in forests, at high altitudes and so on.

  • if the grid element faults are located within the built-up area and the restoration of the power supply took more than 48 hours and if your consumption place is fed from the low voltage grid, we will grant a compensation of RON 30. If your consumption place is fed from the medium voltage grid, the compensation is of RON 200. If your consumption place is fed from the high voltage grid, the compensation is of RON 300.
  • if the grid element faults are located within the built-up area and the restoration of the power supply took more than 72 hours and if your consumption place is fed from the low voltage grid, we will grant a compensation of RON 30. If your consumption place is fed from the medium voltage grid, the compensation is of RON 200. If your consumption place is fed from the high voltage grid, the compensation is of RON 300.



Compensation depending on the duration of the planned outages

The of power supply following a planned outage, required for the modernization or maintenance works on power grids shall be resumed within no more than 8 hours, irrespective of the area, and, in this case this term is exceeded, we will grant financial compensation of RON 30, in case your consumption place is fed from the low voltage power grid, RON 300 in case the consumption place is fed from the high voltage grid or of RON 200 in case the consumption place is fed from the medium voltage grid.

Compensation depending on the number of planned outages

For the performance of the maintenance and/or modernization works on the electrical grids, causing long-term outages, we will plan no more than 4 such outages per year in the urban environment and no more than 8 outages in the rural environment.

In case we register more long-term planned outages, we will grant financial compensation of RON 30, in case your consumption place is fed from the low voltage power grids, RON 300 in case the consumption place is fed from the high voltage grid or of RON 200 in case the consumption place is fed from the medium voltage grid.