How do you notify the distributor on your intention to change the supplier?

In order to enjoy electricity in your home under the best possible conditions, you need both the electricity supplier, and the electricity distributor, and the two are also related. A veritable electricity triangle! Whatever the reasons for which you may decide to change the electricity supplier on the competition market, this also affects us.

For a clear understanding of the differences between the roles of the supplier and of the distributor, read our article.

At least 21 days prior to the date on which you desire to change your supplier, you must inform us, your current supplier and the future oneThe notification regarding the unilateral waiver of the electricity supply agreement must be clear, unequivocally express the desire to change your current supplier and it must clearly indicate the termination date of the existing supply contract.

Where do you send your notification to us?

To the e-mail address corresponding to the area where you live.

What must the new supplier do?

Within 3 days as of the receipt of the notification, the new supplier will send a distribution service contract conclusion request, to the same e-mail addresses as above.

Your new supplier will also send us the following information: the date of the signed supply contract and the validity term, the supply terms, the contracted electricity parameters, the party responsible for the balancing of the market (PRE) and other aspects.

We will conclude a contract for the provision of the supply contract with the chosen supplier if all the stages in Ord. no. 105/2014 “Procedure regarding the electricity supplier replacement by the end customer”..

According to the regulation on the supply of electricity to end customers, we are bound to develop and manage a centralized database with information regarding the places of consumption connected to the electrical grid in the own license area. The database allows for the identification of the portfolio of places of consumption in our license area for each supplier.