What are the steps for the connection to the electricity distribution grid?

If you are a real estate developer, discover the 10 steps in the process of connecting your building to the power grid.

1. Get informed

The process for the connection to the electricity distribution grid is a complex one, so make sure you get accurate and complete information on all its elements. We are there to provide you with all the details, contact us:

  • Through the channels dedicated to the connection service:









●     In our customer relation centers in Banat, Dobrogea and Muntenia. See their addresses here.

●      You may request grid connection directly from your account.

2. The submission of the connection application and the documents you will need

The first thing you will need to do is submit an application with the developer, including the power requested for the entire complex / property and the power details for each consumption place (individual dwelling / apartment / common parts, etc.).

The developer may submit an application for the connection to the power grid of:

- residential complexes;

- properties with 2 or several dwellings;

- blocks of flats;

- attics in blocks of flats with more than 2 dwellings;

- buildings including premises designed to be used both as individual dwellings and as commercial premises;

- residential complexes connected to power according to the previous laws (with TAC) and for which a power supplementation is currently requested.

This application form can be obtained from our client relations office customer relations centers or from here. Make sure that you also include in the application your email, so as to be able to contact us during the process.

The mandatory documentation must also be attached to the application for connection to the developer’s grid.  Check if you have all your documents are ready, using the table here.

Alongside the application for the connection to the developer’s grid, you may also submit the location approval application. Download the Location approval application here depending on the area where the future consumption place is located. You may submit the application through the supplier, in our customer relation centers or directly online, from your account.

Alongside the location approval notice, you will also submit the documentation with a structure that depends upon the category of the construction or plant for which the approval is requested.

Double check if you have all your documents ready, using the table here.

3. Identification of the grid connection solution

According to the legal provisions, we identify the solution for the connection to the power distribution grid. The criteria based on which the solution is set are available here.

4. Creating the agreement for the development of the public-interest power grid

We create and send to you our proposal concerning the agreement for the development of the public-interest power grid, comprising the connection solution and the cost for the development thereof.

The validity term of the agreement draft is of 2 months as of the dispatch date.

5. Accepting the agreement draft regarding the development of the public-interest power grid and the selection of the operator who will design/develop the electricity installation

Within 2 months, you can submit the contract for the development of the public-interest power plant, signed in our customer relations centres or directly online, from your account.

For the design and execution of the power plant, you may choose a designer/contractor certified in the development of public-interest power plants.  See here the list of economic operators attested by ANRE.

In case you decide to entrust the design / development to third parties, we will recalculate the rate, depending on the offer of the selected certified designer / contractor and we will resend our draft agreement for the development of the public-interest power plant, where the operators you have chosen will be included.

In case you do not desire to choose a designer / contractor, we will carry out the works through a certified operator selected through a public procurement process.

The agreement for the development of the public-interest power grid will only be signed after the valid building permit is submitted for the residential complex and/or for the individual dwellings. Moreover, in case the land on which the connection equipment is to be located is privately owned, the execution of the agreement is conditioned by the submission of a unilateral statement, in authenticated form, submitted by the owner of the property/land and/or of the construction affected by the connection equipment. The purpose of the statement will be that of setting up, free of charge, the legal rights of use and the easements stipulated under the specific laws, in our favor throughout the existence term of the connection equipment.

You must pay the invoice for the fee, according to the agreement, as due.

6. Design and execution of the connection works

The execution works shall only be initiated after:

  • You pay the fee according to the agreement;
  • We obtain the permit for the development of the connection works;
  • We conclude the superficies / use / easement agreement, as the case may be.

7. Commissioning of the public-interest electricity installation

After the completion of the works, we commission the developed public-interest grid.

8. Tariff adjustment

If applicable, after the works for the development of the equipment are completed, the distribution operator returns the amounts that were possibly not used upon the performance of the works (no application will be required in this respect).

9. Reimbursement of the efficiency share

The distribution operator shall reimburse the developer a share of the expenses related to the financing of the works for the development of the electricity grid, only after the developer proves the sale of at least 80% of the total number of consumption places in the whole residential area, for the supply of which the respective network was created.

The value of the share is set on the basis of an economic efficiency review.

    10. Connection of individual dwellings

After the development of the electrical equipment for the complex / property, the individual dwellings shall be connected through the consumer grid connection process.

The connection applications for individual dwellings must observe the maximum simultaneously absorbed power declared for each consumption place by the developer, the power based on which the electrical equipment was designed for the general connection.